料金を取らない: receive [take] no fees ふたを取らずに~を解凍する: thaw ~ in their sealed package 正規の手続きを取らずに: without due formality 気取らずに 1: 1. en deshabille 2. without affectation 気取らずに 2 【形】 folksily 気取らずに 3 【副】 1. unostentatiously 2. unpretentiously 3. unselfconsciously ふたを取らずにそのまま~を解凍する: thaw ~ in their sealed package ほとんど休暇を取らずに残業する: work late with hardly any days off ほとんど休暇を取らずに遅くまで働く: work late with hardly any days off 一度もまともに夕食を取らずに: without a single proper dinner 休憩を取らずに働き続ける: keep on working out without rest 朝食を取らずに仕事に行く: leave for work without breakfast 水分を取らずに長い間生存する: live a long time without taking a drink 水分を取らずに長期間生存する: live a long time without taking a drink 睡眠を取らずに数日間を過ごす: stay alert for days without sleep 金を取られる: 1. be robbed of one's money 2. have one's money taken 気取らずに〔感情の〕: 【副】 unaffectedly