Do you have a toothache? Let me see. Oh, yeah. You have a cavity.〔親→子〕
あらまー!ママに見せてごらん。: Oh, dear! Let me see. 分かった、ママに見せてごらん。ああ、ただまつ毛が入ってるだけだ。洗い流そうね。: OK, let me take a look. Oh, it's just an eyelash. Let's go wash it out. さて。何があったか、ママに話してごらん。: So. Tell me what happened. 虫歯が痛む: 1. have an ache in one's decayed tooth 2. one's bad tooth hurts 歯が痛い: have an aching tooth 歯が痛い。 1. My tooth has been bothering me. 2. My tooth hurts. 歯が痛い。: 1. My tooth has been bothering me. 2. My tooth hurts. 歯が痛い have an aching tooth ママに見せて!: Show it to me. 歯が痛いと言う: complain of a toothache ああ、虫歯が痛い。でも歯医者へ行くのはイヤだな。: Oh, my tooth hurts. But I don't want to go to the dentist's. 「どうしたの?」「歯が痛いんだ」: "What's wrong?" "My tooth hurts." 歯が痛いふりをする: feign toothache ママが何描いてるか、あててごらん。: Guess what I'm drawing. そいつら、どこにいんのよ?見せてごらんよ。: Where are they then? Show them to me. 虫歯があるようです。: I think I have a cavity. 歯が痛む: have a toothache