歯が痛い: have an aching tooth 歯が痛い。 1. My tooth has been bothering me. 2. My tooth hurts.
歯が痛い。: 1. My tooth has been bothering me. 2. My tooth hurts. 歯が痛い have an aching tooth
「どうしたの?」「歯が痛いんだ」: "What's wrong?" "My tooth hurts."
歯が痛いふりをする: feign toothache
歯医者さんは、歯が痛いときに治してくれる人のことだよ: A dentist is the person who fixes your teeth when they hurt you.
歯が痛む: have a toothache
虫歯が痛む: 1. have an ache in one's decayed tooth 2. one's bad tooth hurts
ああ、虫歯が痛い。でも歯医者へ行くのはイヤだな。: Oh, my tooth hurts. But I don't want to go to the dentist's.
歯が痛いの?ママに見せてごらん。あー、あった…。虫歯ができてるよ。: Do you have a toothache? Let me see. Oh, yeah. You have a cavity.〔親→子〕
ここが痛い: 1. I have this ache, right here. 2. have a pain here
のどが痛い: have a sore throat〔風邪などで〕
ひざが痛い: have an owie on one's knee〔 【参考】 owie〕
体中が痛い: hurt all over
右目が痛い: My right eye hurts.
後部が痛い: feel [have] (a) pain in [on]〔~の〕