生きて恥を受けるよりはむしろ死を選ぶ: 1. prefer death to dishonor [dishonour] 2. would rather die than live in disgrace 生き恥をさらす: 1. expose oneself to ridicule 2. live ignominiously 3. live in disgrace ~よりはむしろ: 1. rather than 2. sooner than 生きて恥をさらすよりは、名誉をもって死ぬ方がましだ。: Better die with honour than live with shame. ~するよりはむしろ: 【接続】 before bというよりはむしろa: 1. more a A than a B 2. more of A than B ~というよりはむしろ…: not so much ~ as 死んだほうがましで: better dead 恥をさらす: 1. bring disgrace on [upon] oneself 2. bring shame on oneself 3. disgrace oneself in public 4. get egg all over one's face 5. get egg on one's face 6. have egg on [all over] one's face 7. stultify oむしろ〔~よりは〕: 【副】 rather …するよりはむしろ~する方がましだ: 1. would rather ~ than 2. would sooner ~ than 勉強というよりはむしろ働くために日本に来る: come to Japan to work rather than study 共産主義に従うくらいなら死んだほうがまし。: Better dead than red.〔1950年代に使われたスローガン。〕 彼女のようになるのなら死んだほうがましだ。: I'd rather kill myself than be like her. いい恥をさらす: make a show of oneself