- And my mother-in-law came to visit us after we were here for only about, you know, three or four months, and I'm driving and she says, "Laura, it's a red light."
そうねえ、私はまだこっちに来てからたったの1カ月でしょ、だからまだ料理できるものを探しているところなの。: Um, I've only been here a month, so I'm still trying to find the things to cook.
ところで私、こっちに来る前はボストンで運転してたの。: Now, I drove in Boston before coming here, and Boston is one of the most aggressive cities to drive in, I think, outside of New York City, in America.
私はこちらに来て4カ月で、日本語の勉強も始めて6週間にしかならないのね、だからよくある失敗ばかりしてる初歩の段階なのよ。: I've been here for four months and I've only been studying Japanese for six weeks, so I'm at that beginning stage where I'm making all those classic faux pas.
私が東京に来て一番初めに運転したのは、日曜日の午前中だったの。私たちの友達のだれもが「日曜の午前中に行ったらいい、普段より混んでないから」って言うから。: The very first time I drove when I got to Tokyo was on a Sunday morning, because everyone of our friends said, "go on Sunday morning -- it's less crowded."
そうね!ママ達は3時に家を出ました。さてどのくらい運転してるのかな?: Good! We left home at three. How long have we been driving?
いやよ。いい風が外から入って来てるんだから!窓は開けっ放しにしておきたいの!どうして私たちが窓を閉めないといけないの?あっちが閉めるべきよ。: No, a nice breeze is coming from outside! I wanna leave the windows open! Why do we have to close the windows? They should close their windows.
こっちに来て!: Come [Get] over here!
私たちは3カ月も議論してきたのにまだ何ひとつ合意していない。: We still haven't agreed on anything after three months of debating.
来週私たちのビーチハウスに遊びに来ない?: Would you like to come visit us at the beach house next weekend?
ニューヨークに来たら、ぜひ私たちの家に遊びにきてください。: If you visit New York, you've just got to come and see our house.
そう、私の妹はそうしてるのよ。彼女が仕事に行くのは朝の5時半とかで、彼女のだんなが娘を学校に連れて行くのね、で、それから彼女は早い時間に仕事を終えて―― 3時半にね、それで彼女が娘を迎えに学校に行くの。: Well, my sister does that. She goes to work at like 5:30 in the morning and her husband takes their daughter to school, and then, uh, she gets off work at. . .early, at 3:30, and she picks the daugh
でも小さいころは、自分にそういうアレルギーがあったのに、小さな野良猫を拾ってはよく家に連れて帰っちゃってね、で、そうすると母が、もちろんパニックしてたわよ、だっていつも、1時間もたたないうちに、ほら、ぜんそくの発作は起きるし、クシャミは止まらなくなるし、それで--。: But as a small child, even though I had these allergies, I would pick up stray little kittens and bring them home, and my mother, of course, was terrified, because within an hour I'd have, you know,
そうね。まだここに来て1カ月だもんね。: Right. It's been only a month since we came here.
誤って発射してしまったと彼女が言う銃を彼女は取り出した: She took out a shotgun which she said went off accidentally.
僕がこっちに来たのは1993年なんだけど。: I came here in 1993.