- You know my best friend Wendy, don't you? She is getting divorced sometime soon. You know how sweet she is, and how nice her husband is. But somehow, it didn't work out.
うーん… デイブ、知ってるよね?私の旦那。デイブがね、昨日の夜私のこと蹴ったのよ。: Well... Dave, you know my husband, kicked me last night.
でも5冊までしか借りられないの。知ってるでしょ。それに、来週また来るのよ。: But you can only borrow 5 books. You know that. Besides, we'll come back next week.
お母さん、何でも知ってるのよね!: Mom knows everything!〔子が親について話す〕
「昨日あの人たちのところ行った時に彼らの犬見た?」「見なかったわよ!犬を避けるのに一生懸命だったんだから。私が犬のことどう思ってるか知ってるでしょ」: "Did you see their dog when you went there last night?" "No! I did my best to avoid it. You know how I am about dogs."
知ってるでしょ: you know〔皮肉で使われることもある〕
私がどんなにお寿司が好きか知ってるでしょ!もしお寿司食べるなら、たくさん食べたいの!「ちょっと」なんてイヤ!だからお寿司を食べないことにしたのよ。これからは、私の前では「寿司」って言葉も使わないでね!: You know how much I love sushi! If I go have sushi, I wanna have a lot! I don't wanna have "just a little bit"! So I decided to stay away from Sushi. From now on, don't even say a word "Sushi" in fr
ええ、でも彼女って、本当にかわいかったわよね! だけどあの子は頭もすごくいいし、そういうのってほら、とっても格好いいわよね。: Yeah, but she was so cute! But she's really intelligent as well, which is, you know, pretty cool, you know?
いい場所を知ってるよ: I know just where to go.
さて、僕のことは知ってるよね。毎年、夏に帰郷する。: Well, so you know me. I go home every summer.
あの子、今日はすごくいい子だったのよ。掃除手伝ってくれたわ。: He was a good boy today. He helped me clean up the house.
それが何だか知ってる?: Do you know what that is?
お父さんが子どもの時、いかにいい子だったか知ってるんだよ。お父さんが小さい時、いい子だったかおじいちゃんに聞いてみな。: He knows how good I was when I was a kid. Ask him if I was a good boy when I was little.
やつは彼女と一緒のクラスになるためには何だってするよ。どんなに彼女を好きか知ってるだろ: He would crawl on his hands and knees over broken glass to be in the same class with hers. You know how crazy he is about her.
それ誰なの?知ってる人?: Who is that? Is that someone you know?
みんなすごくきちんと秩序を守ってるのよね。: Everyone was so nice and orderly.