報道を自分の側に引き入れる: get the press on one's side ~に引き入れる: bring someone around to〔人を〕 自分の意見に従う: follow the beat of one's own drum 事業に引き入れる: interest someone in an enterprise〔人を〕 仲間に引き入れる: bring someone on board〔人を〕 対話に引き入れる: engage someone in dialogue〔人を〕 討論に引き入れる: draw someone into debate〔人を〕 部屋に引き入れる: draw someone into a room〔人を〕 自分の意見に固執する: hold by one's opinion 自分の土俵に(人)を引き入れる: lure someone onto terrain where one feels confident 世論を味方に引き入れる: sway public opinion in one's favor 味方に引き入れる 1: win over 味方に引き入れる 2 win ~ over to one's side〔~を〕 味方に引き入れる 3 bring someone over to one's side〔人を〕 荒波の中に引き入れる: pull ~ into the inside of angry waves〔~を〕 説得して~に引き入れる: pull someone into〔人を〕 顧客を店舗に引き入れる: lure customers into the stores