- evade the responsibility for one's action
自らの行動に対する責任を問われる: be held responsible for one's actions
自分の行動に責任を取る: bear the responsibility for one's action
自分の行動に責任を持つ: 1. act responsibly 2. take responsibility for one's actions
自らの行動に対する道義上の責任を回避する: avoid ethical responsibility for one's behavior
自分の行動に責任を持っている: be responsible for one's own action
責任を逃れる: 責任を逃れる せきにんをのがれる to shirk one's responsibility
~に対する責任を追及する: attack someone's responsibility for〔人の〕
自分の行動の責任を取る: pay one's own consequences for one's own actions
自分の行動の責任を負う: pay one's own consequences for one's own actions
損失に対する責任を負う: be responsible for loss
刑事責任を逃れる: escape criminal charges
監督責任を逃れる: escape oversight responsibility
責任を逃れる 1: 1. avoid (the [one's]) responsibility 2. dog it 3. duck (one's) responsibility 4. elude one's responsibility 5. escape (one's) responsibility 6. escape liability 7. flee from (one's) responsibility
自分の行動の責任をとることを拒否する: refuse to take responsibility for one's behavior
精神錯乱を装って~に対する刑事責任を逃れようとする: seek to avoid criminal responsibility for ~ by posing as a mentally disturbed person