In short, I would have to say that I completely disagree with you on this issue.
反対意見である: take the opposite view この点では私はあなたと同じ意見です: I agree with you on this point. その点ではあなたと同意見です。: 1. I'm with you on that point. 2. I'm with you on that. あなたに打ち明けるように彼にうるさく言うべきではない: You shouldn't nag him to confide in you. あなたに秘密を打ち明けるように彼にうるさく言うべきではない: You shouldn't nag him to confide in you. 言うことに全く反対である: disagree with someone one hundred percent〔人の〕 あなたと同じ意見です。: 1. I agree with you 100%. 2. I have [share] the same opinion. 3. You have just said what I was trying to say. あなたと同意見です: 1. I don't have any comments. 2. I share your opinion. 恐らく~するときでしょうね。: I'd say it's time to あなたのシャツよ、あなたが取ってくるべきでしょ?: They are your shirts, so you should pick them up, right? ケーキを1個食べる前に、あなたはそれ相当のお返しをすべきでしょう: Before you get your piece of cake, you are going to have to sing for your supper. 嘆かわしい事件であると言う: refer to ~ as regrettable incidents〔~を〕 全く反対の立場である: be strongly the other way この件で遠回しに言うのはやめましょう: Let's not beat around [about] the bush with this. 意見である: be of the opinion that〔~という〕