- The thing is, you have to gain experience to be a professional actor.
チームに入るには、タックルがうまくないと駄目なのよ。: You need good tackling skill to join the team.〔親→子〕
彼は、プロの演奏家になるにはどうすればよいかを学んだ。: He learned how to be a professional player.
要するに~ということになる: amount to
要するに、酒を飲まないで欲しいんだ。違法だし危険だ: The bottom line is (that) I don't want you to drink. It's illegal and also dangerous.
場数を踏んだ人: battle-scarred veteran
トミー、残念だけど近道なんてないのよ。ただ練習しないと駄目なの。: Sorry, Tommy, but there is no shortcut. You just have to practice.〔親→子〕
たくさん練習しないと駄目なのよ。: It takes a lot of practice.〔親→子〕
要するに: 要するに ようするに in a word after all the point is .. in short ..
要するに 1: 1. after all 2. at base 3. at end of day 4. at the end of the day 5. in a word 6. in all of that 7. in brief 8. in conclusion 9. in effect 10. in essence 11. in fact〔 【用法】 話の内容を補強するとき〕 12. in fine 1
役者になる: 1. become an actor 2. go on the stage
要するに(that以下)ということになる: upshot is that
韻を踏まない: 韻を踏まない adj. blank∥ blank verse 無韻詩形 (見出しへ戻る headword ? 韻)
この子、まだ指しゃぶりして…。もう4歳なんだから、やめないと駄目よね。: He still sucks his fingers. He needs to stop doing that because he's already 4.〔親が子どもについて話す〕
場数を踏む 1: 1. accumulate considerable experience 2. gain (one's) experience 3. gain a lot of experience 4. get a lot of practical experience 5. have a lot of experience 場数を踏む 2 accumulate [acquire, gain] expe
要するに(that以下)だ: long and short of it is that