arrest the suspect on the spot for disturbing public peace
治安を乱す行為の現行犯で容疑者を逮捕する: arrest the suspect on the spot for disturbing public peace は公務執行妨害と傷害の現行犯でその容疑者を逮捕する: arrest the suspect for allegedly interfering with a police officer in the line of duty and assaulting an officer of the peace 容疑者を逮捕する: 1. apprehend a suspect 2. arrest a suspect 3. place a suspect under arrest 4. put a suspect under arrest 強盗の現行犯で逮捕する: arrest someone for robbery〔人を〕 迷惑防止条例違反の疑いで書類送検する: send the case to the Public Prosecutor's Office on suspicion of being a public nuisance 現行犯で逮捕する: 1. catch someone red-handed 2. have someone dead to rights〔人を〕 _人の容疑者を逮捕する: round up __ suspects _歳の容疑者を逮捕する: arrest the __-year-old suspect 容疑者を逮捕する前に証拠を調べる: examine the evidence before arresting a suspect 未成年の容疑者を逮捕する: arrest a juvenile suspect 関連して容疑者を逮捕する: arrest suspect in connection with〔~に〕 迷惑防止条例に違反する: violate nuisance laws 交通違反者を逮捕する: nab traffic offender その麻薬の売人を現行犯で逮捕する: arrest the drug dealer red-handed 銀行強盗を現行犯で逮捕する: catch the bank robber red-handed