- disgrace oneself before〔~の〕
公衆の面前で恥をかく: face public shame
人前で恥をかく: be publicly humiliated
公衆の面前で恥をかかせる: embarrass someone in public〔人の〕
その知識豊富な解説者に公衆の面前で恥をかかせる: humiliate the knowledgeable commentator in public
人前で恥をかかせる: subject someone to public humiliation〔人に〕
公の場で恥をかくこと: public humiliation
公共の場で恥をかくこと: public humiliation
人は、他人が人前で恥をかくのを見るのが好きなものだ。: People love to see other persons humiliated in public.
人前で恥をかかされた気位の高い人物: haughty person humiliated in public
人前で恥をさらす: 1. make a spectacle of oneself 2. make an exhibition of oneself
自らの無学ぶりで恥をかく: humiliated by one's own ignorance
大恥をかく: feel really ashamed
恥をかく 1: 1. be disgraced 2. be humiliated 3. be left with egg on one's face 4. bite [eat, kiss] the dust 5. disgrace oneself 6. humiliate oneself 7. make a fool of oneself 8. tuck one's tail 恥をかく 2 embarras
赤恥をかく: 1. be disgraced in public 2. disgrace oneself in public 3. experience an agony of shame 4. feel really ashamed
十代の者にとって公の場で恥をかくことほど最悪のことはない: There is nothing worse than public humiliation to a teenager.