- 1. make a spectacle of oneself
2. make an exhibition of oneself
人前で内輪の恥をさらす: wash one's dirty linen in public
人前で恥をかく: be publicly humiliated
恥をさらす: 1. bring disgrace on [upon] oneself 2. bring shame on oneself 3. disgrace oneself in public 4. get egg all over one's face 5. get egg on one's face 6. have egg on [all over] one's face 7. stultify o
人前で恥をかかせる: subject someone to public humiliation〔人に〕
あなたは人前で内輪の恥をさらすべきではない、だからうちの家庭問題を話すのはやめなさい: You shouldn't wash your dirty linen in public, so stop talking about our family problems.
いい恥をさらす: make a show of oneself
して恥をさらす: make an exhibition of oneself by doing〔~を〕
世間に恥をさらす: be dragged through the mud
内輪の恥をさらす: have one's dirty laundry washed in public
死に恥をさらす: die a shameful death
生き恥をさらす: 1. expose oneself to ridicule 2. live ignominiously 3. live in disgrace
自分の恥をさらす: embarrass myself
人前で恥をかかされた気位の高い人物: haughty person humiliated in public
内輪の恥を人前にさらす: wash dirty linen [laundry] in public
面前で恥をかく: disgrace oneself before〔~の〕