- rectify the anomalous relations between
正常な関係を築く: establish a normal relation with〔~との〕
正常な関係: 1. normal relation 2. normal relationship
正常な関係を構築する: establish a normal relation with〔~との〕
~間のなれ合い関係を正す: rectify the collusive ties among
~間の共謀関係を正す: rectify the collusive ties among
世の不正を正す: right the wrongs of the world
官僚の不正を正す: correct the wrongs of the bureaucracy
社会の不正を正す: right social wrongs
戦後の正常化していない~との関係を正す: redress abnormal postwar relations with
近隣諸国と正常な関係を築く: build normal relations with one's neighbors
関係を正常にする: set the relationship right
今世紀末までに両国間の関係を正常化する: normalize bilateral relations by the end of this century
二国間関係を正常に戻す: return bilateral contacts to normal
外交関係を正常化する: 1. establish normal diplomatic relations with 2. normalize one's diplomatic relationship with〔~との〕
日ロ関係を正常化する: normalize Russo-Japanese relations