

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7
  1. Cerebellar ataxia could result with incoordination of movement, particularly in the extremities.
  2. Ataxia word is derived from Greek meaning " without order or incoordination ".
  3. Delayed physical development, poor temperature and motor incoordination are seen in early childhood.
  4. Degeneration of the cerebellum sometimes causes incoordination.
  5. CNS involvement ( primary or secondary ) can lead to seizures, incoordination and paralysis.


  1. "inconvertible paper currency"の例文
  2. "inconvincible"の例文
  3. "incooperative"の例文
  4. "incoordinate"の例文
  5. "incoordinately"の例文
  6. "incoordinations"の例文
  7. "incopy"の例文
  8. "incor"の例文
  9. "incore"の例文
  10. "incoronation"の例文
  11. "incoordinate"の例文
  12. "incoordinately"の例文
  13. "incoordinations"の例文
  14. "incopy"の例文

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