helpful 意味
発音記号:[ 'helpful ] 読み方
- helpful adj. 助けになる.【副詞】
- The following people were especially helpful to me in the preparation of this book.
【+前置詞】- It is exceedingly helpful for surviving family members to talk to sympathetic counselors.
- The following people were especially helpful to me in the preparation of this book.
- to be helpful to be helpful 役立つ やくだつ 助かる たすかる 役に立つ やくにたつ
- be very helpful be very helpful 面倒見が良い めんどうみがよい
- extremely helpful 《be ~》極めて有効{ゆうこう}だ
- helpful advice 有益な助言
- helpful book 参考{さんこう}になる本
- helpful boy 役に立つ少年
- helpful criticism 有益{ゆうえき}な批評{ひひょう}
- helpful device 役に立つ装置
- helpful for everyone 《be ~》誰にとっても役に立つ
- helpful for sleeping 《be ~》睡眠{すいみん}に適している
- helpful guidelines 役立つ指針
- helpful in defining 《be ~》~の識別{しきべつ}に役立つ{やくだつ}
- helpful in expediting 《be ~》~の促進{そくしん}に有効{ゆうこう}である
- helpful in reducing 《be ~》~を減少{げんしょう}させるのに有用{ゆうよう}である
- helpful in teaching 《be ~》教えることで役に立つ
- perhaps the insights of an expert would be helpful .
専門家の意見が 役に立つだろうな - thank you . thanks , that's being very helpful .
ありがとう ありがとう それは大変役に立つ - professor dawes accompanied me . she was very helpful .
ドーズ教授は本当に役に立つ - agent van pelt said you were really helpful .
ヴァンペルトが あなたの話は 大変役にたったと - and more of a helpful , kind of quiet apprentice
光を照らすのにも 静かで有能な助手のように - flow offers us a helpful metaphor for understanding
フローはメタファーとして役立ちます - and they will have been helpful to add time to our memory
記憶に時間の要素を加え - so again , financial engineering was helpful here .
ここで再び 金融工学が役に立ちました - well , thank you , mr . barnes . you've been most helpful .
以上だ ありがとう - ayako , i am going to interview your team so please be helpful .
- Adjective
- providing assistance or serving a useful function