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prostrate 意味

発音記号:[ prɔs'treit ]  読み方



  • prostrate yourselves before my power .
    私の力の前に ひれ伏すがいい。 フハッ フハハハハ!
  • the angels prostrate , not before the human body
  • and so i prostrate myself before you , goddess .
  • then i would kindly ask you to prostrate yourself on the grass .
    知りたいなら 寝てくれないか? 芝の上に
  • they will prostrate and ask the government to lend them money .
    困った時に 平身低頭して 金を借りておきながら
  • grabbinga handfulof yourhairwhile you're lying prostrate and helpless ...
    あんたを突き倒して 髪をつかむ
  • i'd like to thank you a lot , man , for working on my prostrate like it was a speed bag .
    サンドバッグ状態で ヘトヘトさ
  • everyone who watched fell prostrate and could not control the emotions , as the pitiful cries of 122 court ladies echoed into the heavens .
  • they are surprised and try to hide , but they are found by a samurai; in a panic , they climb down from the veranda and prostrate themselves on the ground .
  • in jidaigeki (historical play ), there sometimes is a scene that a standard-bearer calls out " shitani , shitani (down on your knees , down on your knees ) " when daimyo-gyoretsu goes through a street , letting peasants and merchants prostrate at the side of the street , but actually this call-out could have been used by only tokugawa gosanke (three privileged branches of tokugawa family ) (mito domain was exceptionally having no sankinkotai ), and other daimyo families instead used " yokero , yokero (step aside , step aside ) " , just letting people step aside .


  • render helpless or defenseless; "They prostrated the enemy"

  • throw down flat, as on the ground; "She prostrated herself with frustration"

  • get into a prostrate position, as in submission
    Synonyms: bow down,

  • Adjective
  • stretched out and lying at full length along the ground; "found himself lying flat on the floor"
    Synonyms: flat,

  • lying face downward
    Synonyms: prone,

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