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flat 意味

発音記号:[ flæt ]  読み方


  • and that's flat     (and) thát's flát! ((略式))絶対そうだ(that's my last word) I'm going and that's ~! 行くといったら行く.
  • flat...    flat... つやなし― (塗)[化学]; 平調― (写)[化学]
  • in the flat    平面(図){へいめん(ず)}に、紙に、絵として
  • not flat    凹凸{おうとつ}のある
  • on the flat    平面(図){へいめん(ず)}に、紙に、絵として
  • the flat    the flat 平 ひら
  • adobe flat    〈米〉アドービ粘土平原{ねんど へいげん}、アドービ平地
  • alkali flat    アルカリ平地
  • alluvial flat    沖積平地
  • as flat as a pancake    ぺちゃんこの、全く平べったい
  • at a flat rate    均一料金で
  • b flat    《音楽》ビーフラット、変ロ音
  • bachelor flat    独身者向きのアパート、独身寮◆【同】bachelor apartment
  • bachelor's flat    独身男性用{どくしん だんせいよう}アパート
  • barrier flat    バリア?フラット


  • don't you think your reaction was flat ?
    段田さん ちょっと今のリアクション 薄いんじゃないかな~?
  • december 11 , 1944: the flat line is closed .
    1944年(昭和19年)12月11日 平坦線廃止
  • no .. i had a flat .. but .. everything is alright now .
    ただのパンク もう大丈夫よ
  • so five percent flat , 44 percent of upside .
    5%の固定手数料と 利益の44%ということですね
  • now he's a grown man . with a job and his own flat .
    今は 大人になって 一人暮らしよ
  • because when it comes to cities , the world ain't flat
    なぜなら 都市に関して言えば
  • why the world isn't flat article , because
    「なぜ世界はフラットではないか」を 書こうと決めたのは
  • the flat horizon that we've evolved with
  • if you don't have a flat world , that's not good
    しかし世界が平らでないと うまくいきません
  • solved it without leaving the flat . now , serviettes ...
    ナプキンは 白鳥型?
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • lacking contrast or shading between tones

  • (of a musical note) lowered in pitch by one chromatic semitone; "B flat"

  • Adverb
  • in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly; "he didn''t answer directly"; "told me straight out"; "came out flat for less work and more pay"
    Synonyms: directly, straight, directly, straight,

  • with flat sails; "sail flat against the wind"

  • in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly; "he didn''t answer directly"; "told me straight out"; "came out flat for less work and more pay"
    Synonyms: directly, straight, directly, straight,

  • with flat sails; "sail flat against the wind"

  • Adjective
  • commercially inactive; "flat sales for the month"; "prices remained flat"; "a flat market"

  • not reflecting light; not glossy; "flat wall paint"; "a photograph with a matte finish"
    Synonyms: mat, matt, matte, matted,

  • having a relatively broad surface in relation to depth or thickness; "flat computer monitors"

  • lacking the expected range or depth; not designed to give an illusion or depth; "a film with two-dimensional characters"; "a flat two-dimensional painting"
    Synonyms: two-dimensional, 2-dimensional,

  • having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another; "a flat desk"; "acres of level farmland"; "a plane surface"; "skirts sewn with fine flat seams"
    Synonyms: level, plane,

  • horizontally level; "a flat roof"

  • stretched out and lying at full length along the ground; "found himself lying flat on the floor"
    Synonyms: prostrate,

  • sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch; "the owl''s faint monotonous hooting"
    Synonyms: monotone, monotonic, monotonous,

  • not modified or restricted by reservations; "a categorical denial"; "a flat refusal"
    Synonyms: categoric, categorical, unconditional,

  • having lost effervescence; "flat beer"; "a flat cola"

  • lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting; "a bland little drama"; "a flat joke"
    Synonyms: bland,

  • lacking taste or flavor or tang; "a bland diet"; "insipid hospital food"; "flavorless supermarket tomatoes"; "vapid beer"; "vapid tea"
    Synonyms: bland, flavorless, flavourless, insipid, savorless, savourless, vapid,

  • flattened laterally along the whole length (e.g., certain leafstalks or flatfishes)
    Synonyms: compressed,

  • Noun
  • a suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house
    Synonyms: apartment,

  • scenery consisting of a wooden frame covered with painted canvas; part of a stage setting

  • a deflated pneumatic tire
    Synonyms: flat tire,

  • a shallow box in which seedlings are started

  • freight car without permanent sides or roof
    Synonyms: flatcar, flatbed,

  • a musical notation indicating one half step lower than the note named

  • a level tract of land; "the salt flats of Utah"

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