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safe 意味

発音記号:[ seif ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: safes   



  • you served him well when serving was safe .
    あなたはよく仕えていたよ 平和な時代だったときにな
  • i can assure you , it will be absolutely safe here
    保証いたします ここなら全く安全です
  • believing that , that place was safe for them .
    あなたに 悪い報いが 来なけばいいんですが。
  • mr . matobo , we've accessed the air intake to your safe room .
  • that restraints help psychiatric patients feel safe .
  • we kept her a secret to keep her safe .
    彼女を守るために秘密にしたんだ 守るってなにから?サイード
  • go . get out of here and be safe , no matter what . okay ?
    行って 安全なところに
  • i will look to the east and await your safe return .
    東の方を眺めて— お帰りを待ちます
  • he wanted to know if you were safe .
    最後の言葉は君のことだった アイツは知りたがった 君が無事かどうか
  • so , what's this about the kids not being safe ?
    子供たちが安全じゃないって、 どういう事?
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • free from danger or the risk of harm; "a safe trip"; "you will be safe here"; "a safe place"; "a safe bet"

  • having reached a base without being put out; "the runner was called safe when the baseman dropped the ball"

  • Adjective
  • (of an undertaking) secure from risk

  • financially sound; "a good investment"; "a secure investment"
    Synonyms: dependable, good, secure,

  • Noun
  • contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercourse
    Synonyms: condom, rubber, safety, prophylactic,

  • strongbox where valuables can be safely kept

  • a ventilated or refrigerated cupboard for securing provisions from pests

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