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string 意味

発音記号:[ striŋ ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: strung   動詞 過去分詞: strung   名詞 複数形: strings   動詞 現在分詞: stringing   


  • a string    a string 一糸 いっし
  • on a string    意のままに操られて The prime minister is just on a string; there's a big shot behind. 首相は操り人形に過ぎない。裏に実力者がいるのだ。 I can't dribble a basketball even if it is on a string. バスケットボールがひもでつながれていたとしても、僕はドリブルができないんだ。
  • string of    《a ~》一連の、重ね重ねの、相次ぐ{あいつぐ}、たくさんの
  • string on    (時間稼ぎに)だます
  • string.     string. {略} : stringendo 《音》ストリンジェンド(の[で])、ストリンジェンドの指示{しじ}(付きの)、次第に速く、だんだん急き込んで[急き込むような]
  • string loincloth or g-string    string loincloth or G-string 越中褌 えっちゅうふんどし
  • a string of beads    a string of beads 数珠一連 じゅずいちれん
  • alphabetic string    英字列{えいじ れつ}
  • argument string    項連鎖{こう れんさ}
  • asbestos string    {名} :
  • asbestos-string    {名} : 石綿糸{せきめんし}
  • auditory string    auditory string 聴線維束[医生]
  • b string    二弦◆ギターの
  • baler string    baler string 荷造紐[化学]
  • ball of string    1巻きの糸、糸の玉


  • same time ... it's like it's connected by a string .
    同時にだ 糸で結ばれてるみたいに
  • that white string coming out of your hand .
    その手に生えた白い糸 それに触れちまったせいだろう
  • he's a guitar player . strung out like string .
    ギタリストで 弦みたいに ひょろっとしてる
  • in which it's difficult to string up a square net .
    四角い蚊帳を張るのが 難しくてもです
  • we may be looking at more than a string of missing persons .
  • found the salad bowl , so i'm serving salad and string beans .
  • " kuromaku " (a power broker , or a string puller )
  • so they'd take one string and they'd pull it over here
  • iit can't be ... he was trying to cut the string ?
    奴はその既成事実を 作ろうとしているのだ
  • and now , when we meld this with string theory
    これを弦理論と組み合わせると こんな風になります
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • stringed instruments that are played with a bow; "the strings played superlatively well"
    Synonyms: bowed stringed instrument,

  • a necklace made by a stringing objects together; "a string of beads"; "a strand of pearls";
    Synonyms: chain, strand,

  • a tie consisting of a cord that goes through a seam around an opening; "he pulled the drawstring and closed the bag"
    Synonyms: drawstring, drawing string,

  • a lightweight cord
    Synonyms: twine,

  • a tightly stretched cord of wire or gut, which makes sound when plucked, struck, or bowed

  • a collection of objects threaded on a single strand

  • a linear sequence of symbols (characters or words or phrases)

  • a sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding; "a string of islands"; "train of mourners"; "a train of thought"
    Synonyms: train,

  • (cosmology) a hypothetical one-dimensional subatomic particle having a concentration of energy and the dynamic properties of a flexible loop
    Synonyms: cosmic string,

  • a tough piece of fiber in vegetables, meat, or other food (especially the tough fibers connecting the two halves of a bean pod)

  • Verb
  • add as if on a string; "string these ideas together"; "string up these songs and you''ll have a musical"
    Synonyms: string up,

  • provide with strings; "string my guitar"

  • thread on or as if on a string; "string pearls on a string"; "the child drew glass beads on a string"; "thread dried cranberries"
    Synonyms: thread, draw,

  • remove the stringy parts of; "string beans"

  • string together; tie or fasten with a string; "string the package"

  • stretch out or arrange like a string

  • move or come along
    Synonyms: string along,

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