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weave 意味

発音記号:[ wi:v ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: wove   動詞 過去分詞: woven   動詞 現在分詞: weaving   


  • to weave    to weave 織る おる
  • basket weave    {名} :
  • basket-weave    {名} : バスケットウィーブ、バスケット織り、斜子織り、かご編み
  • bob and weave    《ボクシング》頭を上下左右{じょうげ さゆう}に細かく動かす、ウィービングとダッキングを繰り返す、ちょこまか動く
  • chain weave    チェーン?ウィーブ
  • chevron weave    =
  • chevron-weave    =
  • close weave    目の詰んだ織り方
  • coarse weave    目の粗い織り方
  • combination weave    combination weave 重ね組織[化学]〈99L0206:繊維用語(織物部門)〉; 重ね組織[機械]
  • combined weave    交織
  • cord weave    コード織
  • crape weave    crape weave 梨地織[機械]
  • crepe weave    crepe weave なし地織[化学]〈99L0206:繊維用語(織物部門)〉
  • cross weave    cross weave 交叉織[化学]


  • a glass of wine or two now makes me weave
    今では ワインの1杯か2杯も飲めば 私はよろめいてしまう
  • souke (fabric in multiple weave with dyed or soured silk yarn )
  • and we had to weave through this thing like a maze
  • they say , upon this loom , i weave my life .
    彼ら曰く “これで自分の人生のはたを織る”
  • spiders weave their nets facing to the south .
    クモというのは 南に向かって網を織りなす
  • and no matter the weave of this life that you've spun
  • on that grid , i can then weave the high tide readings
  • how to weave these water hyacinth stems into ropes .
    一軒ずつ ドアをノックして探しまわりました
  • slip out of that corner . keep moving ! bob and weave !
  • weave the user into the fabric of the virtual experience .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • pattern of weaving or structure of a fabric

  • Verb
  • interlace by or as if by weaving
    Synonyms: interweave,

  • create a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton; "tissue textiles"
    Synonyms: tissue,

  • sway to and fro
    Synonyms: waver,

  • to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course; "the river winds through the hills"; "the path meanders through the vineyards"; "sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body"
    Synonyms: wind, thread, meander, wander,

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