- "Don't get too serious, honey. This is just a game." "I want to win!"〔夫婦の会話(夫→妻)〕
- そん そん 損 loss disadvantage 尊 precious valuable priceless noble exalted sacred 巽
- なる なる 鳴る to sound to ring to resound to echo to roar to rumble 為る to change to be
- ただ ただ 唯 只 free of charge mere sole only usual common
- だの だの and or and the like and so forth and what not
- じゃ got to go / gotta go〔文頭の I've が省略された形◆ 【略】 g2g ; G2G〕
- 勝ち 勝ち かち win victory
- たい たい 対 ratio versus against opposition 鯛 (red) snapper schnapper sea bream 他意
- そんな そんな such like that that sort of
- ゲーム ゲーム game
- ちたい ちたい 痴態 foolishness silliness 地帯 area zone 遅滞 delay procrastination
- そんなに神経質になるなよ、ヨウコ。 Don't be so sensitive, Yoko.
- そんなに固くなるなよ Why you act so jumpy.
- ただの猫じゃん It's just a cat.
- おい!そんな怒るなよ… Oh! Easy, please...
- てんぐになるなよ。 Don't be stuck up.