- You have him under your thumb.
- あい あい 藍 indigo 愛 love 合い joint associate accomplice 相 together mutually fellow
- いつ いつ 何時 when how soon 佚 be lost peace hide mistake beautiful in turn
- まえ まえ 前 before in front fore part ago previously head (of a line) in the presence
- いな いな 否 no nay yes well
- なり なり 鳴り ringing sound 也 a sum of money 生り bearing (fruit)
- だ だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
- あいつ あいつ 彼奴 he she that guy
- いつは いつは 一は for one thing partly
- おまえ おまえ お前 御前 you (sing) presence (of a high personage)
- いなり いなり 稲荷 Inari (fox deity, originally of harvests) flavoured boiled rice
- 言いなり 言いなり いいなり doing as one is told yes man
- 言いなりだ agree to everything someone says〔人の〕
- あいつはおまえの母さんの悪口を言ってたぞ He was bad-mouthing your mother.
- あいつはいつもボスの言いなりだ。ボスがやれと言ったことをやるだけだ He is always under the thumb of the boss. He just does everything the boss tells him to do.
- ボスの言いなりだ be at one's boss's feet