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  • Having already played that role, it would be kind of odd to play this role.
  • あの     あの 彼の that over there
  • しま     しま 島 island 縞 stripe
  • 後で     後で あとで afterwards
  • この     この 此の this
  • やる     やる 遣る to do to have sexual intercourse to kill to give (to inferiors, animals,
  • はち     はち 蜂 bee 鉢 a bowl a pot a basin a flowerpot a crown a brainpan 八 八つ eight
  • ちょ     ちょ 著 work 儲 be profitable
  • 変だ     1. have [be] dingbats〈豪俗〉 2. look odd
  • ろう     ろう 僂 bend over 蝋 wax 労 labor toil trouble striving putting (someone) to work
  • まった     まった [待った] interj. ?→ちょっと待った ?彼らの計画に~をかける order them to stop [hold up]
  • だろう     だろう seems I guess
  • しまった     しまった damn it!
  • ちょっと     ちょっと 一寸 鳥渡 just a minute a short time a while just a little somewhat easily
  • ちょっと変だ     be kind of strange
  • その俳優がこの役を演じるのは今回が2度目だ。    This is now the second time that the actor is playing the role.
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