Is less effective than you think it is in many of those places . あまり意味がないと思うんです
Because in these systems , the average isn't really what matters . このようなシステムにおいては 平均にはあまり意味がないのです
Because it will not ! あまり意味がないから!
Apparently , the contents of book 11 to book 14 are recondite , so it might have little value to compile them in the complete works . たしかに巻第十一~第十四の内容は難解であり、全集に収めてもあまり意味がないかもしれない。
Especially from the perspective of sculpture art history , the heian period ' s former half was occasionally called the jogan period (or the konin period ), but it does not make sense to use these specific imperial eras ' names (jogan and konin ) as the symbol of the heian period ' s former half , so today these names are not used so often . 特に彫刻史の方面では平安時代前期を貞観(じょうがん)時代または弘仁時代と呼ぶこともあったが、特定の元号で平安時代前期を代表させることにはあまり意味がないことから、今日ではこれらの呼称はあまり用いられていない。
In agreement with the criticism on " kiki " ' s credibility as historical material and from the fact that the chronology before emperor keitai is far from truth , and that it is hard to believe that the imperial family kept written records on a steady basis , some people strongly deny the meaning of the attempt to presume the five kings of wa from the oriental zodiac and the genealogy in " kiki " . また、記紀の史料批判により、継体天皇以前の編年は到底正しいとは言えず、このころの王家内部では文字による記録が常時取られていたとは考えがたいことから、記紀に伝えられた干支や系譜を元に倭の五王を推定するという試み自体をあまり意味がないとする意見も根強い。