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  • It doesn't make much sense to preserve the habitat if you don't have any animals to preserve.
  • 保護     保護 ほご care protection shelter guardianship favor patronage
  • すべ     すべ 術 way means
  • べき     べき should (suf to verbs) must 冪 a power (math)
  • 動物     動物 どうぶつ animal
  • がい     がい 剴 scythe suitability 我意 self-will obstinacy 凱 victory song 画意 meaning of a
  • いな     いな 否 no nay yes well
  • 生息     生息 せいそく inhabiting living
  • 環境     環境 かんきょう environment circumstance
  • して     して 仕手 protagonist hero leading part
  • あま     あま 亜麻 flax hemp linen 海人 fisherman 尼 nun bitch 海女 woman shell diver 阿媽 amah
  • まり     まり 鞠 ball
  • 意味     意味 いみ meaning significance
  • ない     ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
  • すべき     すべき should do (abbr. of suru+beki) ought to do
  • あまり     あまり 余り not very (this form only used as adverb) not much remainder rest
  • 生息環境     生息環境 inhabiting environment
  • あまり意味がない     not carry much weight
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