- No one will bother you here.
- ここ ここ 箇箇 individual separate 戸戸 戸々 each house every house 個々 個個 individual one by
- では では then well so well then 出端 chance of going out opportunity (to succeed)
- 誰も 誰も だれも everyone anyone no-one (with neg. verb)
- 邪魔 邪魔 じゃま hindrance intrusion
- した した 舌 tongue 下 under below beneath
- はし はし 橋 bridge 箸 chopsticks 端 end (e.g. of street) edge tip margin point
- しな しな 品 thing article goods dignity article (goods) counter for meal courses 嬌態
- ない ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
- ここで ここで that is i.e.
- したり したり God bless me! Good heavens!
- しない しない 竹刀 (bamboo) fencing stick 市内 (within a) city
- 決して(人)の邪魔をしない not mess with someone in any way
- 邪魔をしない 1. leave someone in peace 2. let someone in peace 3. peddle one's papers〈米俗〉〔人の〕
- 君のデートの邪魔はしないよ I'm not going to interfere with your date.
- ほかの客の邪魔をしないで without disturbing the other guests