- There seems a strong religious tradition here.
- ここ ここ 箇箇 individual separate 戸戸 戸々 each house every house 個々 個個 individual one by
- では では then well so well then 出端 chance of going out opportunity (to succeed)
- 宗教 宗教 しゅうきょう religion
- 伝統 伝統 でんとう tradition convention
- 濃い 濃い こい thick (as of color, liquid) dense strong
- 強い 強い つよい strong powerful mighty potent
- よう よう 夭 early death calamity 酔う to get drunk to become intoxicated 傭 employ hire
- ここで ここで that is i.e.
- 根強い 根強い ねづよい firmly rooted deep-seated
- ようだ ようだ ; ①[…に似ている] ?足が棒の~ I'm (half) dead of my feet. ?我が家の屋根裏部屋は蒸し風呂の~ Our
- 宗教的伝承 hierology
- 根強い伝統 deep-seated tradition
- ここではそのように学ぶ。 That's what's learned here.
- 変わらず依然として根強いようだ still seem as deep-rooted as ever〔人気が〕
- 頼れる[活用できる]文化的伝統がある。 There are cultural traditions to draw on.