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  • That's it. {2}
  • それ     それ 其れ it that
  • まり     まり 鞠 ball
  • わり     わり 割 割り rate ratio proportion percentage profit assignment 10% unit of ten
  • わっ     jeepers〔 【語源】 Jesus の婉曲的表現〕《驚いて》 {間投}
  • おし     おし 押し push pressure authority audacity 圧し weight pressing down commanding
  • しま     しま 島 island 縞 stripe
  • まい     まい 舞 dancing dance 枚 counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper) 麻衣 linen
  • ただ     ただ 唯 只 free of charge mere sole only usual common
  • だけ     だけ 丈 only just as
  • それで     それで 其れで and thereupon because of that
  • 決まり     決まり きまり settlement conclusion regulation rule custom
  • 終わり     終わり おわり the end
  • やっと     やっと at last at length
  • しまい     しまい 仕舞 仕舞い end termination informal (Noh play) Noh dance in plain clothes 姉弟
  • おしまい     おしまい お仕舞い 御仕舞い the end closing being done for
  • それだけ     それだけ 其れ丈 that much as much to that extent only that that alone no more than
  • それだけだ     それだけだ That's all (there is to it). ; That's all she wrote.《米略式》それで終り
  • それで終わり     and that goes
  • それだけだ。     1. That's all it needs. 2. That's all.
  • それでおしまい。     Nothing [There's nothing] to it. {2}
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