- I might as well go now.
- がい がい 剴 scythe suitability 我意 self-will obstinacy 凱 victory song 画意 meaning of a
- いい いい 伊井 that one Italy 良い good
- いみ いみ 斎 religious purification 忌み abstinence taboo 意味 meaning significance
- たい たい 対 ratio versus against opposition 鯛 (red) snapper schnapper sea bream 他意
- だ だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
- がいい がいい 害意 malice 外衣 outer garment 外囲 periphery surroundings
- たいだ たいだ 怠惰 laziness idleness
- そろそろ そろそろ 徐徐 徐々 gradually steadily quietly slowly soon
- 言っておいた方がいいみたいだな Might as well tell you.〔主語が省略されることもある〕
- そろそろ部屋の掃除をした方がいい。 It's time to tidy your room.
- そろそろ帰ろうか? Are you ready to go home now?
- そろそろ帰宅していい時間だ。 I think it's about time we went home.
- もうそろそろ帰るわ。 I'll be leaving soon.
- 暗くなる前に帰った方がいいよ。 You'd better head home before it gets dark.
- そろそろ帰ってきてもよさそうなものなんだけど She's supposed to be back by now.