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  • Don't be so unreasonably antagonistic.
  • そん     そん 損 loss disadvantage 尊 precious valuable priceless noble exalted sacred 巽
  • なに     なに 何 what
  • にわ     にわ 庭 garden
  • わけ     わけ 訳 meaning reason circumstances can be deduced situation 分け sharing division
  • なく     なく 鳴く 啼く to sing (bird) to bark to purr to make sound (animal) 泣く to cry to
  • わな     わな 罠 trap snare
  • ない     ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
  • でく     でく 木偶 wooden figure or doll puppet
  • くれ     くれ 暮れ year end sunset nightfall end
  • そんな     そんな such like that that sort of
  • なにわ     なにわ 浪花 浪速 浪華 Naniwa (former name for Osaka region)
  • そんなに     1. like that 2. so much
  • わけもなく     わけもなく 訳も無く without cause without reason
  • そんなに気を使わないでください。    You really don't have to go to so much trouble.
  • そんなに手荒にしないでくれよ    Hey, lighten up!
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