- elbow someone in the ribs〔注意を促すために〕
- ひじ ひじ 秘事 a secret 肘 肱 elbow
- 押す 押す おす to push to press to stamp (i.e. a passport)
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- 横っ腹 横っ腹 よこっぱら side flank
- (人)の 1. beyond someone's reach / beyond the reach of someone 2. change of someone's
- ひじで(人)の脇腹をつつく poke someone in the ribs〔注意を促すために〕
- ひじで(人)を押しのける elbow someone out of the way
- ひじで押す 1 【他動】 elbow ひじで押す 2 push someone with one's elbow〔人を〕
- 横っ腹 横っ腹 よこっぱら side flank
- 脇腹をひじで突く jab someone in the ribs with one's elbow〔人の〕
- 横っ腹が痛い feel [have] (a) pain in (the [one's]) side
- 横っ腹が痛む feel [have] (a) pain in (the [one's]) side
- 手で(人)の腰の辺りを押す push one's lower back with someone's hands
- ~しないよう(人)に念を押す remind someone not to
- 横っ腹に痛みを感じる feel [have] (a) pain in (the [one's]) side