- poke someone in the ribs〔注意を促すために〕
- ひじ ひじ 秘事 a secret 肘 肱 elbow
- 脇腹 脇腹 わきばら flank
- つつ つつ while though 銃 gun 筒 pipe tube
- つく つく 憑く to possess to haunt to attach to 就く to settle in (place) to take (seat,
- く く 九 nine 区 ward district section 句 phrase clause sentence passage paragraph
- つつく つつく 突く to thrust to strike to attack to poke to nudge to pick at
- (人)の 1. beyond someone's reach / beyond the reach of someone 2. change of someone's
- ひじや指などで(人)の脇腹を突っつく dig someone in the ribs〔合図するために〕
- 脇腹をひじで突く jab someone in the ribs with one's elbow〔人の〕
- ひじや指などで(人)の脇腹を突っついて合図する dig someone in the ribs〔合図するために〕
- ひじをつつく jog someone's elbow〔人の〕
- ひじで(人)の横っ腹を押す elbow someone in the ribs〔注意を促すために〕
- 危険を避けるように~をひじでつつく nudge ~ clear of danger
- 親しみを込めてひじでつつく give an affectionate nudge in the ribs
- 腕をつつく jog someone's arm〔人の〕