- Either do your best, or you quit.
- 一生 一生 いっしょう いっせい whole life a lifetime all through life one existence a
- 懸命 懸命 けんめい eagerness earnestness risking one's life
- 張る 張る はる to stick to paste to put to affix to stretch to spread to strain to
- るか るか 路加 St Luke
- のど のど 咽 喉 throat
- だ だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
- 頑張る 頑張る がんばる to persist to insist on to stand firm to try one's best
- 辞める 辞める やめる to retire
- どちら どちら 何方 which (of two) who
- 一生懸命 一生懸命 いっしょうけんめい very hard with utmost effort with all one's might
- 一生懸命頑張る 1. break one's neck 2. put [set] one's shoulder to the wheel〔 【語源】
- 一生懸命頑張る 1. break one's neck 2. put [set] one's shoulder to the wheel〔 【語源】 溝や沼にはまった荷車を引き上げるときに車輪(wheel)に肩(shoulder)をあてて押す様子から〕
- 一生懸命に頑張る pull hard
- あるいは~かのどちらかだ either that, or
- 便利さを取るか健康を取るかのどちらか trade-off between convenience and health