- ever since the third century 3
- 世紀 世紀 せいき century era
- 以来 以来 いらい since henceforth
- と と if (conjunction) promoted pawn (shogi) (abbr) 斗 (a measure of volume) 18
- ずっと ずっと consecutively throughout a lot
- 世紀以来 from the third century onwards 3
- ~以来ずっと 1 without a halt since ~以来ずっと 2 【前】 since
- 生まれて以来ずっと in all one's born days
- ~以来ずっと続いている have gone on since
- 彼女は事故以来ずっと、全く口をきかない She hasn't spoken at all, ever since the accident.
- ~以来ずっと問題ばかり起こっている have suffered one blow after another since
- リンダは、結婚以来ずっとピルを服用してきている Linda has been on the pill since she got married.
- 私は2番目の妻と離婚して以来ずっと独身だ。 I have been single since I divorced my second wife.
- 私は若いころ日本に来て以来ずっとここにいる。 I came to Japan as a young boy and never left.
- ~以来ずっとひどいことばかり起こっている have suffered one blow after another since
- ~以来ずっと厄介なことばかり起こっている have suffered one blow after another since