その事件の原因を調査して回答する make a reply after investigating the cause of the incident
And we resumed our investigation of the slasher case . 俺達は通り魔事件の調査を再開した
The investigation of the embassy bombing is nearly complete . 大使館爆破事件の調査は終わろうとしている
I'm trying to deal with all of this mess . 凶悪事件の調査で大変よ
He's off solving his own murder . 自分の殺人事件の調査よ
If you wanna be an investigative reporter , you have to investigate . 事件記者になりたいなら やるべき事は事件の調査よ
At this time , kiyoshi was ordered to investigate the counterfeit bill case committed by the domain as an organization . 潔はこのとき藩が組織的に行っていた贋札事件の調査を命ぜられる。
He verified the pollution by copper through an investigation of ashio copper mine mineral pollution incident and galvanized public opinion from the viewpoint of the peasants . 足尾鉱毒事件の調査で銅による汚染を実証し、農民の立場に立ち世論を喚起した。
Afterwards , he served not as a general on the front lines but mainly as a supporting bugyo (commissioner ), concerned with highway maintenance as the highway bugyo , the supply military of ships during the kyushu campaign and he attended the requisition of odawara castle during the battle of odawara , as well as investigating the asari incident as an oshushioki , or judge . その後は前線で活躍する武将ではなく、奉行人としての後方支援などの活動が中心となり、道奉行としての街道整備や、九州征伐では軍船の調達、小田原合戦では小田原城の接収に立会い、奥州仕置では浅利事件の調査を行う。