Among the temples in kyoto , he participated in semi-official construction work such as toshogu , located at konchi-in of the nanzen-ji temple , which was a lodge for suden choro , a priest who was a close advisor of the shogun .he also worked on the hall of huki (rich and noble ), located on the hojo (abbot ' s chamber side ) of the gokito-den (hall for prayer ), the tea house and garden and the hojo garden of the honbo (priests ' main living quarters ) of this temple . また京都の寺では、将軍の側近者崇伝長老の住坊である南禅寺金地院内東照宮や御祈祷殿(方丈)側の富貴の間、茶室および庭園、同寺本坊の方丈庭園など、準公儀の作事に参画している。