- the sole breadwinner
- 唯一 唯一 ゆいいつ ゆいつ only sole unique
- 一の …一の,…壱の She was claimed to be the best tennis player in the school.
- かせ かせ 枷 shackles fetters irons handcuffs bonds 綛 reel
- 手 手 て hand
- かせぎ かせぎ 稼ぎ earnings
- 唯一の稼ぎ手 sole breadwinner
- 輸出のかせぎ頭 major export earner
- かせぎ かせぎ 稼ぎ earnings
- あらかせぎ あらかせぎ 荒稼ぎ making a killing making easy money robbery
- かせぎだか かせぎだか 稼ぎ高 earnings
- かせぎて かせぎて 稼ぎ手 breadwinner hard worker
- かせぎとる かせぎとる 稼ぎ取る to earn by working
- かせぎにん かせぎにん 稼ぎ人 breadwinner hard worker
- たびかせぎ たびかせぎ 旅稼ぎ working away from home
- でかせぎ でかせぎ 出かせぎ 出稼ぎ working away from home