兵役に服する 1. do (one's) military service 2. do a hitch 3. do a stint in the army 4. do a stint in the service 5. enlist for military service 6. enlist in the armed services 7. join the services 8. serve (with
軍務に服する 1. perform military duties 2. serve as a soldier 3. serve in the army 4. serve in the navy
And i had time to relax and to grieve . リラックスし、喪に服する余裕がありました
Ryoan is a period when the emperor is in mourning for his father and mother . 諒闇(りょうあん)とは、天皇が、その父母の死にあたり喪に服する期間。
It is a period of mourning for the emperor , the grand empress dowager , and the empress dowager . 天皇・太皇太后・皇太后の死にあたり喪に服する期間。
In 857 , he was discharged from the official post to mourn his mother ' s death but was reappointed later and was conferred shogoinoge (senior fifth rank , upper grade ). 天安 (日本)元年、母の喪に服するため職位を解かれるが、その後再任されて正五位下に叙せられる。
In the long history of ju-kyo , there is an endless list of various disputes including , the dispute between kobun and kinbun , the period of time to observe mourning , relation with buddhism in terms of thought , and view towards law and qi . 儒教の長い歴史の間には、古文・今文の争い、喪に服する期間、仏教との思想的関係、理や気の捉え方など様々な論争があって枚挙に暇がない。