Sumitsuke tondo (the rite of sumitsuke ) 墨付けとんど(墨付け神事)
Sumitsuke tondo (the rite of sumitsuke ) 墨付けとんど(墨付け神事)
Furthermore , he was given a certificate that guaranteed both his family members and senior vassals the hereditary ownership of lands . さらにその重臣含めて知行などを子々孫々に至るまで保障するというお墨付けを与えられた。
It has been formalized that when gekizaemon receives the certificate from katsumoto , he takes off his kataginu (sleeveless formal garment for samurai ) and holds the certificate with it . 外記が勝元から墨付けを受け取るときははずした肩衣で受け取るのが型である。