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  • daughterhood


  • I'm so very proud to be your daughter .
  • He knows she is my daughter .
    いいや 娘であることを知っている
  • He knows she is my daughter .
    いいや 娘であることを知っている
  • Should be a sister or daughter of those at the status of gunji or above; and
  • Let us pretend that you are a loving daughter ... and i am a good father .
    私たちはあなたが愛する娘であることをふりをしましょう​​... と私は良い父親です。
  • This raises the question of why tokikane hojo of the fuonji family , a collateral line of the akahashi family appears in the birth record , although it might be influenced by the fact that his mother was a daughter of masamura hojo .
  • As his wife was a daughter of yoshimitsu ashikaga , he won yoshinori ashikaga ' s trust and , based on the support by yoshinori , confronted hiei , but as yoshinori was assassinated in the kakitsu war , his fief was thrown into chaos due to lack of support .
  • Based on a snip of paper pasted to a page of the fukiage bon of " teio keizu " (genealogical table of emperor ), the entry of ' emperor gokameyama ' in " kokushi daijiten " (great dictionary of national history ) says that probably the emperor ' s real mother was a daughter of sanetame ano , suggesting that the woman might have not been the kakimon-in .
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