Subsequently , in 1682 , when fusasuke takatsukasa resigned from his post as kanpaku (chief adviser ) to the emperor , emperor reigen appointed fuyutsune (kaneteru ) ichijo , of udaijin (minister of the right ), to be a successor , although in an original orderly manner motohiro konoe of sadaijin (minister of the left ), should have been appointed instead; but the emperor did not do so , as he suspected that motohiro konoe was critical to him after giving measures to him in the wake of the ogura incident . 次いで1682年、鷹司房輔が関白を辞した際には本来の順序ならば左大臣である近衛基熙を関白に任じるべきところを、霊元天皇は彼が小倉事件ににおける自分の措置に対して批判的であると睨んでいたため、これを無視して右大臣の一条冬経(兼輝)を越任させた。