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発音記号:[ shānjǐng ]  読み方:
"山景"の例文"山景" 意味


  • mountain scenery
  • 雨中の山景    mountain view in rain
  • 山数    山数 threads per inch[機械]
  • 山掛け    山掛け やまかけ foods topped with grated yam
  • 山本五十六     【人名】 Yamamoto Isoroku〔第二次大戦開始前、中の海軍長官。開戦前、米欧との交渉を主張。対戦中、日本軍暗号を解読した米により撃墜死。国葬された〕
  • 山折り    mountain fold《折り紙》
  • 山本化成     【組織】 Yamamoto Chemicals, Inc.
  • 山手線で品川まで行って、横須賀線に乗り換えです。    Take the Yamanote Line to Shinagawa, then change to the Yokosuka Line.
  • 山本有三記念館    Yuzo Yamamoto Memorial Museum〔東京都?三鷹市?下連雀。旧山本有三邸をもとに1996年に開館◆ 【URL】 http://mitaka.jpn.org/yuzo/ 〕
  • 山手線    Tokyo Loop Line〔東京(Tokyo)-有楽町(Yurakucho)-新橋(Shinbashi)-浜松町(Hamamatsucho)-田町(Tamachi)-品川(Shinagawa)-大崎(Osaki)-五反田(Gotanda)-目黒(Meguro)-恵比寿(Ebisu)-渋谷(Shibuya)-原宿(Harajuku)-代々木(Yoyogi)-新宿(Shinjuku)-新大久保
  • 山村    山村 さんそん mountain village


  • The mountain landscape hung in the main room of our house .
    我が家の居間に掛けて あった山景色の絵は
  • He was the first son of kageyasu toyama .
  • She was the wife of kageto toyama .
  • The ohara family-the family ' s well-known figures include kageharu sasayama .
    大原家 - 一族の著名人物として篠山景春がいる。
  • The ohara family - as the famous person in the family , there was keishun shinoyama .
    大原家 - 一族の著名人物として篠山景春がいる。
  • He was born in edo as the third son of kagemichi aoyama , who was a feudal retainer of the naeki domain .
  • Kagemoto toyama (saemon no jo [third-ranked officer of the left division of outer palace guards ], machi-bugyo , ometsuke )
  • He studied under myoun of keifuku-ji temple and then musai ryoha of keitoku-ji temple on mt . taihaku , the latter of whom was the master of eisai .
  • In 1808 , he opened a hanko sotokukan (domain school , sotokukan ), and invited keizan akiyama and togan ito to educate the statesmen of the clan .
    文化 (元号)5年(1808年)藩校崇徳館を開校し、秋山景山、伊藤東岸を招いて藩士教育を行う。
  • However , kagemichi aoyama detected their attempt and on february 12 , 1870 , he arrested all co-conspirators and exiled or imprisoned them .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3
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