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"山本五十六"の例文"山本五十六" 意味


  • 【人名】
    Yamamoto Isoroku〔第二次大戦開始前、中の海軍長官。開戦前、米欧との交渉を主張。対戦中、日本軍暗号を解読した米により撃墜死。国葬された〕
  • 五十     五十 ごじゅう fifty
  • 十六     十六 じゅうろく 16 sixteen
  •      六 む むっつ むつ ろく six
  • 五十六     LVI〔ローマ数字。=50+(5+1)=L+(V+I)=LVI◆ 【参考】 Roman numeral〕
  • 五十六    LVI〔ローマ数字。=50+(5+1)=L+(V+I)=LVI◆ 【参考】 Roman numeral〕
  • 十六    十六 じゅうろく 16 sixteen
  • 五十    五十 ごじゅう fifty
  • 山本化成     【組織】 Yamamoto Chemicals, Inc.
  • 七十六    LXXVI〔ローマ数字。=(50+10+10)+(5+1)=(L+X+X)+(V+I)=LXXVI◆ 【参考】 Roman numeral〕
  • 三十六    XXXVI〔ローマ数字。=(10+10+10)+(5+1)=(X+X+X)+(V+I)=XXXVI◆ 【参考】 Roman numeral〕
  • 九十六    XCVI〔ローマ数字。=(-10+100)+(5+1)=(-X+C)+(V+I)=XCVI(4と9だけは、-1+5および -1+10で表す。1を5?10の前に書く)◆ 【参考】 Roman numeral〕
  • 二十六    XXVI〔ローマ数字。=(10+10)+(5+1)=(X+X)+(V+I)=XXVI◆ 【参考】 Roman numeral〕
  • 八十六    LXXXVI〔ローマ数字。=(50+10+10+10)+(5+1)=(L+X+X+X)+(V+I)=LXXXVI◆ 【参考】 Roman numeral〕
  • 六十六    LXVI〔ローマ数字。=(50+10)+(5+1)=(L+X)+(V+I)=LXVI◆ 【参考】 Roman numeral〕
  • 十六夜    十六夜 いざよい 16-day-old moon


  • Sadayoshi was the natural father of isoroku yamamoto , the navarch of combined fleet .
  • Keisuke okada , mitsumasa yonai , isoroku yamamoto , and others also expressed skepticism about the deification of togo .
  • During the war , it even had a branch restaurant in the truk islands , and it was a favorite ryotei for top generals of the navy such as isoroku yamamoto and heihachiro togo .
  • Long before the famous aphorism by isoroku yamamoto , ' show your subordinates how to do a thing , talk them into doing it ..., ' there was a doka composed with the same meaning .
  • It was also at tekigaiso , at the end of september , 1941 , that commander in chief of the combined fleet , isoroku yamamoto , who was asked by konoe about the navy ' s prospects in the fight against the u .s ., worried konoe with the famous words , ' if you say i must , i will show you how much damage we can inflict for the first half a year or a year . however , if it goes on for 2 to 3 years , i have absolutely no confidence .'
  • There is a so called ' a legend of togo beer ' stating that togo was so popular in scandinavian countries which had been subjected to pressure by russia for a long period of time that beer bottles with togo ' s portrait on the label were sold in finland; but these were part of the ' admiral beer series ' that was produced from 1970 to 1992 and reproduced in 2003 , and also featured isoroku yamamoto as well as the russian admirals stepan makarov and zinovi rozhdestvenski , who fought against togo in the russo-japanese war , and the fact is that heihachiro togo is not especially popular in finland .
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