- 帰り 帰り かえり return coming back
- 電車 電車 でんしゃ electric train
- 車で 1. by car 2. by road 3. on the wheel 4. on wheels
- で で 出 outflow coming (going) out graduate (of) rising (of the sun or moon) one's
- 帰りの 帰りの adj. **return 返送[返信]用の;帰路(料金)の;帰りの∥ a return cargo 帰り荷/ a return
- 電車で by tram
- 帰りの電車 return train
- 帰りの電車 return train
- 帰りの電車で居眠りをした。 I fell asleep on the train ride home.
- 帰りの電車の中で on a train home
- 50人乗りの電車です。 This train can hold 50 people.
- 始発の電車で帰る get back on the first train in the morning
- 帰りの電車の中で彼が私をにらんでいた He glared at me on the train home.
- 電車で by tram
- すし詰めの電車でずっと立ち続ける stand the whole way on jam-packed trains
- She seems to like to read since i always see her reading to and from school .
本が好きらしく何時も行き帰りの電車で読んでいる - That she's in the class next door , seems to like books , and is always reading them on the way home .