- He is a nuisance with a capital N.
- つけ つけ 付け fixed bill bill of sale
- 厄介 厄介 やっかい trouble burden care bother worry dependence support kindness
- 厄介者 厄介者 やっかいもの dependent parasite hanger-on burden
- 極めつけ the great-granddaddy of them all
- 彼は厄介者だ。 He is an embarrassment.
- 一家の厄介者 black sheep of the family
- 世間の厄介者 public nuisance
- 全くの厄介者 1. awful nuisance 2. perfect nuisance 3. positive nuisance 4. thorough nuisance
- 家族の厄介者 drawback on a family
- 近所の厄介者 regular pest of the neighborhood
- 彼って我が家の厄介者だったよね。 He was a bit of a nuisance around the house, wasn't he?
- 極めつけのもの lollapalooza
- 極めつけ the great-granddaddy of them all
- 極めつけで with (brass) knobs on〈英俗〉
- 厄介者 厄介者 やっかいもの dependent parasite hanger-on burden