Did someone say it is against the law ... 私達が裸足で雨に濡れたら法に反すると誰か言いましたか?
Not just because it's illegal , but because it's wrong 法に反するだけでなく 間違っていて
That this is illegal for her to do this . 法に反するかもと思うかもしれません
Instruct us , oh , great commoner . what is unnatural , in your opinion ? 高名な議員殿 君の考える 自然法に反するものとは何かね?
Will anyone claim that we're breaking the law just because we get a bit wet ? 私達が裸足で雨に濡れたら法に反すると誰か言いましたか?
At this point in history , the shooting of noncombatants like navigators or oarsmen in a naval battle was considered against the etiquette of war , yet yoshitsune dared to break this unwritten rule . この時代の海戦では非戦闘員の水手・梶取を射ることは戦の作法に反する行為だったが、義経はあえてその掟破りを行った。
Then , parkes became indignant , declaring it a violation of international law to proceed with an attack against someone such as yoshinobu tokugawa , who had chosen not to resist , but had instead demonstrated an allegiance to the new government , and an agreement to be confined in his residence . そして、恭順・謹慎を示している無抵抗の徳川慶喜に対して攻撃することは万国公法に反するとして激昂した。