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  • Under the circumstances, it is the best conceivable plan.
  • 現状     現状 げんじょう present condition existing state status quo
  • では     では then well so well then 出端 chance of going out opportunity (to succeed)
  • それ     それ 其れ it that
  • 考え     考え かんがえ thinking thought ideas intention
  • えら     えら 鰓 gills branchia
  • 最高     最高 さいこう highest supreme the most
  • 計画     計画 けいかく plan project schedule scheme program
  •      だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
  • 現状で     1. as affairs [matters] now stand 2. as affairs [matters] stand (now) 3. as it
  • 最高の     最高の maximal[化学]
  • 現状では     1. as affairs [matters] now stand 2. as affairs [matters] stand (now) 3. as
  • 病因として~が考えられる    be attributed etiologically to
  • 考えられる最良の方法で    in the best way conceivable
  • 現状で許される最大限の    as much as the traffic will bear
  • 現状では    1. as affairs [matters] now stand 2. as affairs [matters] stand (now) 3. as far as it goes 4. as it is now 5. as it now stands 6. as it stands (now) 7. as the case [matter, situation] now stands 8.
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