Just kidding . just going home as usual またまた。 ただ自宅に帰るだけにしては
I will go home now . 俺は自宅に帰るから
However , men in the salaried worker level changed into wafuku (japanese traditional clothes ) when they went home after finishing the work . しかしサラリーマン層の男性も、仕事を終え自宅に帰ると、和服に衣替えした。
Shonanoka is in many cases observed at bodaiji (the family temple ) on the way home from the crematory or observed at home also as an offering of buddhist sutras for the return of ashes . 初七日は火葬を終えて自宅に帰る途中に所属寺院(菩提寺)に立ち寄って行われるか、自宅に帰り、還骨のお経を兼ねて行われることが多い。