- Look! You go out at least 3 nights a week. Isn't that a little too much for a housewife? Don't you need to make dinner every night?
どうしてだい?おまえは私のかわいこちゃんじゃないか!どうしてそれがいけないんだ?: Why? You are my sweetie pie! What's wrong with it?
最近ちょっと付き合いが悪いんじゃないか、おまえ: You haven't been very sociable with us lately.
オレのせいじゃないんだよ!オレは早く帰るつもりだったけど、ちょっと緊急事態が発生して会社に遅くまで残らなくちゃいけなかったんだよ。: It was not my fault! I was supposed to come home early, but an emergency came up and I had to stay until late.
「それで!?私の考えが気に入らないのね、それに私のことが好きじゃないんでしょ!どうなのよ?!」「落ち着けよ、おまえ。おまえの考えが気に入らないからおまえが嫌いっていうのは、ちょっと拡大解釈だろうが」: "So!? You don't like my idea, and you don't like me, huh?!" "Calm down, honey. I think it's a stretch to say I don't like you just because I don't like your idea.
知識じゃなくて、本当に学ばなくちゃいけないのは、知恵なんだよね。: It's not knowledge, but wisdom which we should really learn.
ねえ、ランディー君のお母さんにちょっと電話しなくちゃいけないから、外で遊んでてくれる?: I will talk to his mom. Can you play outside for now?
いいじゃない!じゃあ夕飯毎晩作らなくていいのね!: That's good! Then you don't have to fix dinner every night!
何作るんだよ!おまえオレには嘘つけないぜ。オレはおまえのルームメイトだったんだからな。忘れたか?おまえがピザとフライドポテトを作れるのは知ってる、それだけじゃないか!: What do you cook?! You can't lie to me. I used to be your roommate, remember? I know you can make pizza and French fries, but that's all!
「昇進を逃してちょっと落ち込んでいるんじゃないか?」「まあ、それほどでもないですよ」: "Well, I guess you feel a bit down on being passed over for promotion, eh?" "That's one way of putting it."
一文なしなので、ちょっと物ごいでもしなくちゃならないんだ: I'm broke, so I'll have to do some spanging.
「ちょっとあんた!今すぐ台所とトイレ掃除しな!」「僕が遅く帰ってきたくらいでそんなに怒りっぽくならなくてもいいじゃないか。会議だったんだよ」: "You! You clean up the kitchen and bathroom right now!" "You don't have to be so cross just because I came home late. I was in a meeting."
どうして?あの子たちは同じくらいの年だし、同じ学校行ってるじゃないか。それにヘレンちゃんって角曲がってすぐのとこに住んでるんだろ?: Why? They are about the same age, and they go to the same school. She's living right around the corner, right?
もっと分別があってもいいんじゃないか。/ばか言ってるんじゃないよ。/そんなことでどうするの: You should know better.〔しかって励ます〕
そりゃそうだけど… でも兄さんは毎日仕事に行かなくちゃいけないんだよ。おまえは違うだろう?あと2~3カ月経ったら兄さんも自分の車買うだろうからさ、心配すんなよ。: True... But he has to go to work everyday, and you don't. I'm sure he'll get his own car within a couple of months, so don't worry.
ちょっとおかしいんじゃないの。: This must be some kind of sick joke!